Wholistic Soulutions

Integrating mind, body, and energy to balance well-being

Gina Hinrichs

Certified Coach and Wholistic Healer

My mission is to take people on adventures of the soul to help them forge deep connections with themselves so they can foster purposeful, joyful, and fullfeeling connections with others.

ICF Associate Certified Coach
Certified Professional Coach
Energy Leadership™ Index Master Practitioner

My Healing Journey

A few years ago, my health was declining and so was my relationship with my significant other. I treated my illnesses by balancing my body through energy healing and other wholistic soulutions. These included releasing stored emotions, healing betrayal trauma, and doing shadow work, which involved focusing on my inner child to rediscover self-love and find a voice I never knew I had.

As I began to heal these parts of myself, my relationship with my significant other started to heal also. We were able to reconnect and build a stronger foundation of understanding and love for each other. I call this process The Mirror Image. By doing the work on myself, I started changing, and my husband “mirrored” my behaviors. 

My journey led me to pursue training and certifications in coaching and natural health practices so I could help others.

If you want to become closer to who you are, feel weight being lifted off your soul, and leave the past behind to move forward with confidence and joy, Gina is your girl! – Olivia H.

ICF Associate Certified Coach

ICF Associate Certified Coach

The International Coaching Federation is one of the most well-respected entities in the professional coaching world. I completed extensive training, including a three-month mentoring course, to earn my Associate Certified Coach credentials. This distinction enables me to help you heal your whole soul, including mind, body, heart, spirit, relationships, and more.

Certified Professional Coach

Certified Professional Coach

I received my Certified Professional Coach credentials through iPEC, the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching. This certification means I understand how to uncover the deep connection between energy and power, and I can help you overcome limiting beliefs, fears, and other obstacles to living your best life.

Energy Leadership™ Index Master Practitioner

Energy Leadership™ Index Master Practitioner

Energy Leadership™, also from iPEC, is the process that develops a personally effective style of leadership that positively influences and changes not only yourself but also those with whom you work and interact. As an Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner, I can help you objectively analyze your current energy and make a plan to shift it for positive change.

COR.E Transitions Dynamics™ Specialist

COR.E Transitions Dynamics™ Specialist

COR.E Transitions Dynamics™ is the most comprehensive process for mastering the transitions in your life. With this training, I’m able to help you deal with ALL the transitions in your life from a highly conscious perspective to greatly increase your comfort with change and leave you excited and energized for what lies ahead (even when that is unknown).

Shadow Work Coaching

Shadow Work Coaching

The “shadow” is a term from psychology that describes the parts of ourselves we can’t see. My training in shadow work can help you become aware of what’s hidden so you can heal, find your purpose, and live an authentic life.

Healing Practices

Through  a combination of personal experience and extensive research, I’ve identified natural and wholistic healing practices that improve well-being. I pursued training in the following areas so I can use these practices to help others:

  • Akashic Records*—a reading of past and present experiences to gain insights into your soul
  • Biofeedback—a therapy using voice analyzers to offer real-time feedback on signals coming from your body
  • Emotional Release—a journey into your subconscious mind to pinpoint and correct energy imbalance
  • Pulsed Electromagnetic Field—a type of energy therapy using devices that emit pulsating electromagnetic fields
  • Raindrop Technique—an approach that combines massage, energy healing, and essential oils
  • Reiki*—an energy healing technique originating in Japan

* Energy is not bound by time or space, and distance sessions work great.

Working with Gina was an eye-opening experience. She has great intuition and knowledge about human behavior and relationships – Raju B.

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Let’s Connect

If you think I might be a good fit for your needs, please contact me 
to schedule a coaching or healing session.