Wholistic Soulutions

Integrating mind, body, and energy to balance well-being

Integrated Healing Services for Mind, Body, and Soul

Depending on your healing journey, I can perform one or more of these wholistic healing practices to improve your well-being. They can be used individually or in combination with coaching.

Already scheduled a Reiki or Raindrop session? Click here to fill out pre-session paperwork. 

I had a wonderful Reiki session with Gina over the phone. She lives in Wisconsin and I live in Oregon. I didn't know what to expect, but I was certainly pleased with the outcome. – Anne N.

Heal from past difficulties, learn who you truly are, find out how you got here, gain insights into your soul, and explore future possibilities. Akashic records include all the things that have happened to a person or a soul. By reading your Akashic records, I can help you discover insights based on everything you’ve ever experienced and felt. Since energy is not bound by time or space, distance sessions work great.

Tap into body signals to get a customized wellness program that might include “tuning” your organs, boosting nutrition, and detoxing your body. During a biofeedback session, I use voice analyzers to provide real-time feedback on signals coming from your body. This provides important data that I use to guide your healing journey.

Release limiting beliefs or difficult emotions such as anger, grief, or sadness that are stuck within your mind and body. During Emotional Release Therapy, I will ask questions and use muscle testing to identify imbalances in your mind and body. Next, I’ll use magnetic energy to restore balance and foster healing.

Stimulate all levels of the body to address toxins, imbalances, and microbes and achieve balance and harmony. To administer Pulsed Electromagnetic Therapy, or PEMF, I use a device that emits pulsating electromagnetic fields tuned at specific frequencies. This device restores your body’s dissonant vibrations to a more optimal state.

Increase the immune system, relieve back issues, or create balance and harmony in the body—physically, mentally, and emotionally. The Raindrop Technique includes a unique massage that combines reflexology and essential oils. I apply the oils to your feet and back using a layered approach to detoxify your body in a relaxing environment.

Gently release what you no longer need in order to create space for the experiences you desire in your life. Reiki (life force energy) is a healing technique based on the principle that the practitioner is a conduit to channel energy into you. This activates the natural healing processes of your body and restores physical and emotional well-being. Clothes remain on. You’re on a massage table with quiet relaxing music. The session may be hands on or hands off, your choice. Since energy is not bound by time or space, distance sessions also work great.


Mentorship for Empaths

Have you ever been told you’re a sensitive person? Are you deeply in tune with the thoughts and emotions of others? Do you have healing hands or an intuitive ability? If you’re an empath who is looking to hone your gifts to help others, I can mentor you to discover your talents and your potential.

Gina has a wide range of experience and knowledge in healing modalities, and she often has very timely and relevant things to share that she has learned in the past. The practices and perspectives that she has shared with me over our course of working together have been invaluable.” – Jake O.

Let’s Connect

If you think I might be a good fit for your needs, please contact me 
to schedule a coaching or healing session.